Water Wanderings
Camp Counselor
To Apply: Email waterwanderings@gmail.com and explain why you want to work with us this summer and your relevant experiences.
Effective Date: July 1st, 2025. Camp counselor training July 1st - 3rd. Work Youth (July 7-11) and possibly Young Adult (July 23-30) if it fills, or Teen (July 14-21).
Job Summary: Water Wanderings Camp Counselor is responsible for collaborating with the other counselors on overall group management and facilitation of learning during camps.
Provide 24-hour supervision to campers during overnight camps, implement curriculum and lead activities in collaboration with other counselors and guest teachers.
Facilitate activities to support campers in learning about equity and community, sustainability, art/creativity, ecology and outdoor skills.
Daily Activities Include:
Canoeing, camping, fire-building, outdoor cooking and map and compass work
Additional activities such as swimming, games, art, cooking, discussions on environmental justice and inclusive community building
Required Skills/Abilities:
Strong grasp of canoeing, fire building, and camping skills.
Passion for environmental justice
Strong communication and leadership competency
Willingness to learn from and work with youth.
Education and Experience:
Some experience leading outdoor trips
Some experience working with youth,
Interest in environmental and racial justice
Lifeguard certification required (Water Wanderings will pay for your training)
Wilderness First Responder certification strongly preferred (Water Wanderings will contribute towards the cost of your certification if you don't have it).
Physical Requirements:
Able to walk, paddle, swim and lift up to 30 lbs
Able to sleep outside and work in adverse weather conditions
Compensation: $110-$115 per day (pre-tax) and $500 professional development funds for Lifeguard, WFA, or WFR Certification. Possible additional bonus depending on availability of funds.
Additional Information About Water Wanderings
Water Wanderings is an affirmative employer and we especially encourage applicants who are Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Queer, or Trans to apply. We acknowledge the long history of exclusion and oppression in outdoor education spaces and strive to create a supportive work environment.